Sunday, July 27, 2008

Carlos, I apologize

Sorry for the long delay in my life's been pretty hectic for the past couple weeks with work and all that fun stuff, I'm actually saving money so I guess that's a good thing.

For the past month Mets 1st basemen Carlos Delgado has had a baseball resurrection of sorts. The guy is hitting like .390 in the month of July and his power and RBI numbers are racking up at a very fast pace.

Myself, like most Met fans thought this guy was done. It seemed he could only hit mistakes thrown by pitchers and would clog up the basepaths. He was completely useless if a pitcher didn't throw a hanging slider, he'd flail at it like he was swinging an ore in the batter's box.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the Mets success is tied to two players, Carlos Delgado and Mike Pelfrey. Which I might add, it's a complete joy to watch the transformation of this guy. All due respect to Johan Santana (who gets NO fucking run support) "Big" Pelf has been the best Mets starter for about two months now and alot of credit goes to Dan Warthen...he let Mike be himself, unlike Rick Peterson. Mike is now pitching with a ton of confidence and it shows. Congrats on Pelf for being voted NL player of the week.

Back onto 'Los. Ever since Willie got fired it seemed to loosen the team up. They are playing loose and playing together, something as fans hadn't seen in almost two years. Delgado is now hitting, and he is hitting with power to the whole field. Ask J.C Romero about Delgado and he will tell you.

So in the end Carlos, I hope you accept my apology and continue the recent tear that you've been on.

P.S. Help out "Mole" Beltran too.

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